Saturday, April 24, 2010

The beyootimus miss Sarah!  Lookin like Bella Swan! :D
My dear friend Wacey *AKA* Wacelicious!
This is miss Natalie! She and I took some pictures of each other for some "acting headshots" because we were auditioning for a part in a local movie!! It was a lot of fun! She ended up getting a part in the movie as an extra! I like to think I am half responsible for that since I took these awesome pictures of her!! :D
I better be mentioned when this girl is a famous model, darn it!! She is super gorgeous and I can't wait to see what she does!  Her name is Monica and she, her daughter and I had a blast this day taking photos for her modeling portfolio!

One of my best friends, Starla.  We've actually known each other since like 1st grade!! She was a bridesmaid in my wedding and helped so much and I love her to pieces!! And talk about an adorable family! Her daughter, Avery was the flower girl in my wedding!! I love em all like family!The sweetest girl, ever!! We had an awesome time shooting her and her friends that day!! They are completely hilarious and out of their minds :D My type of people!! 

The many gorgeous sides of Michelle!! 

They are a bit out of order, but the ones of her when she had longer hair were taken in downtown Aztec, NM.  We called it the Urban Glam shoot!! Totally fun!  
And these ones with her camera were taken in the dead of winter and we were both wearing skirts/dresses!! But it was actually pretty warm even though we were walking around in 2 feet of snow in some spots!  We took these in Durango, Colorado.  She took some of me with my camera, too.  We decided Canon should pay us to be their spokeswomen!!  

The beyootiful Kendra, takin some pics for her hubby's birthday!
The best man in our wedding, Brian with his lovable puppy, Ruby!


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